Funny London map phrases

Abso-bloody-lutely - Very definitely (among posh types)


Alma chizzit? - How much is it/does it cost? 


Ava good one - Have a good day? 


‘Avin it large - Very much enjoying a party/celebration 


Bangin tune - An excellent song


Barra boy - Barrow boy, a street vendor, a commoner (after traders who sold their goods from barrows)


Besju bring a brolly - It would be best that you bring an umbrella or brolly (in case it rains) 


Bitta barney up the rub-a-dub - A bit of a disagreement (rhyming slang Barney Rubble - trouble) in the pub


Bob’s yer uncle - Easily achieved


Bish bash bosh - Easily done (see also Bob’s yer uncle)


Cheerio - Goodbye 


Costa bomb - Very expensive


Cream-crackered - Knackered, exhausted, tired


Cushty - Very good 


Da Baked Bean - The queen 


Das all gone Pete Tong - It’s all gone wrong 


Das everyfin innit, innit? - That’s everything in it, isn’t it?


Das wot oim torkin - That is what I’m talking about - an enthusiastic ‘yes’ 


Dasva dog’s that is - That is very good, that is


Diamond geezer - A well-respected man 


Donkeys years - A long time


Don’t mug me off - Don’t mess me around or try to cheat me 


Doo me a fayva - Do me a favour, often said as an expression of disbelief


Duff dup dahn da booza - Beaten up down the boozer, or pub


Ee blew a monkey dahn the dogs - He lost £500 gambling on greyhound races


Gap yars -Wealthy young adults spending a year between school and university travelling/idling, a London subset


Get stuffed - Go away and leave me alone


Getcha larfin gear rand dis - Get your laughing gear (mouth) around this, normally said when there is tasty food to eat


Gettin moi son - I’m delighted at that sudden turn of events


Gissa shufti - Give me a quick look (see Less ava butchers)


Gissum waugh-a will ya? - Give me some water will you?


Glassa vino - Glass of wine 


Gutted - Very disappointed


Inva khazi ‘avin a Brad - In the toilet defecating (from rhyming slang Brad Pitt - sh*t)  


Iss brass monkeys outear - It’s very cold outside


Keep you pecker up old chap  - Stay cheerful my old posh friend 


Keep schtum - remain silent/quiet. Don’t tell anyone 


Knock yer block off - to remove your head with a blow, a serious threat 


Leavit aht - leave it out, stop it, desist


Legged it from the old bill - Ran away from the police


Less ava butchers - Let’s have a look (rhyming slang butcher’s hook)


Less getta ruby in - Let’s get a take away curry (rhyming slang Ruby Murray, a singer)


Loada cobblers - A completely false account or claim (rhyming slang cobblers’ awls - balls) 


Load of old pony innit - Load of old pony (& trap, rhyming slang for crap) isn’t it, total rubbish, very low quality


Lush mate - Excellent my friend


Lovely li’ul earner - A profitable venture


Luvvly barnet - A nice haircut (rhyming slang for hair from Barnet Fair, held in the suburb of Barnet)  


Meat and two veg - A traditional dinner combination, and a metaphor for the male anatomy


Me muvah’s inva barf - My mother is in the bath


Mind the gap - a warning sometimes heard on the London Underground to be careful of the gap between the train and the platform


Oi did ya, din oi - I fooled you, didn’t I


Oi forked outta a grand forit - I paid £1,000 for this item


On the blower - On the telephone


Order Order - A phrase often used by the speaker of parliament


Ova yor gaff - At your place


Playda blinda - An excellent performance


Never sawrit comin - An unwelcome surprise


Norrin moi manna - Not in my manor, not in my area


Not got a scooby pal - I definitely don’t know (rhyming slang from Scooby-Doo - clue) 


Not moi cuppa tea - It’s not to my liking/taste


Oi ain’t got none - I’m sure I don’t have any


Onna among fieves - Honour among thieves


Plonkers - Fools


Proply tooled up - Very well equipped 


Oh my dayz - Good grief, a modern staple of Multicultural London English (MLE)


Readall abah-dit - Read all about it, once shouted by newspaper vendors on the streets


Right royal knees up - A substantial and lavish party


Sarf ovda rivva - South of the river Thames 


Scarpered back to moi endz - Hurried back to my own neighbourhood, another MLE favourite (see Oh my dayz) 


Schmoozer incha? - You are a smooth talking charmer aren’t you?


See a man abahda dog - used as an excuse to leave without revealing why you are departing


She’s inna spotta bovva - A woman who is in some trouble or bother


Sling yer ‘ook - Go away, from raising the anchor, or hook, on a ship and sailing on


Sloaney Ponies - upper class young women living near or frequenting the White Horse pub on Parson’s Green in Fulham


Spanna inva werks - A spanner or wrench in the works, or engine. A problem. 


Splashed it all on a flash haddock - Spent a fortune on an ostentatious car (from rhyming slang haddock and bloater - motor)


Sweet as a nut - Very good (see also Cushty)


Rabbitin on - Talking continuously (from rhyming slang rabbit and pork - talk)


Tidy Boat - A pretty face (from rhyming slang boat race - face) 


Totally up for it - Very eager to do something


Trustafarians, janarta mean - Wealthy young people who don’t have to work (thanks to trust funds) do you know what I mean?


Yer ‘avın a bubble - You are trying to fool me, play a joke (from rhyming slang bubble bath - laugh) 


Yer know there you can stick dat, dontcha - You know that I definitely reject your proposal/idea, don’t you


Yummy mummies - Attractive young mothers, a London subset


Well minted - Very wealthy


We’ve only gone and bloody dunnit - a favourite line from the comedy Only Fool and Horses


Whatta cock-up -  A major mistake


Wotta muppet - What a fool 


Wottan ‘ampton - What an objectionable person (from rhyming slang Hampton Wick - dick) 


Wot’s your beef bruv - What is your issue or cause brother, often said as a prelude to an argument


Up before the beak - To appear in front of a judge 


Up vee estry - Towards the (Thames) estuary 


Where to guv’nor - A question sometimes posed by taxi drivers to male customers